Contact Us

  • 3681 Baldwin Ave, Makawao, HI 96768

The Shaka Movement is dedicated to keeping you updated on all the latest news and developments with the Legal Cases, both State and Federal and our mission to defend and uphold your vote. 

Tax Exempt Information

Our Mission Statement

SHAKA educates the public on environmental responsibility and scientifically based sustainable alternatives related to agriculture, health, environmental and biotech science, soil remediation and other related fields.  Solutions are offered through educational communications, peaceful actions, public gatherings, and through advocacy forums, outreach programs, grassroots efforts and a variety of other means.

Shaka Movement is a Hawaii 501 C-3 Tax Exempt educational organization registered with the IRS Tax Exempt Division. Shaka Movement was approved on March 18, 2014,  and granted a non-profit status determination letter on July 28, 2014.  Shaka Movement is registered with the Guidestar non-profit online directory.  The corporation has no members. Contributions are tax deductible.

Sustainable Action Fund for the Environment (SAFE) is a not-for-profit, 501-C4 action committee, incorporated in July of 2014. Contributions are not tax deductible.

The purposes for which the SAFE corporation is organized are to promote social welfare, including but not limited to: (1) developing and advocating for legislation, regulations, and government programs to improve the environment, protect natural resources, and stimulate the economy and (2) publicizing the positions of elected officials concerning these issues. 
